Wednesday, November 28, 2012

Grand Theft Auto- The Don Wars

Chapter 7- Divide & Conquer

A couple hours later after his phone call, Tommy Vercetti, CJ, Sweet, Cesar, Ken & Woozie head over to Mike Toreno's ranch home northeast of San Fierro to learn the latest info Mike knows of the Leone take over.

Toreno- Joey has sent a large crew, led by one of his top men, Luigi to Las Venturas. There they have taken over several establishments in a bid for total take over of Sin City. My guess is once they have complete control of all those casino's, they'll try and hit the 4 Dragon's last and take you all out.

Woozie- Son of a bitch! We can't let that from happening. I'm not going to let years of hard work go to waste because some wise guys from out east have a vendetta.

CJ- I guess Joey is a little pissed we one upped his old man in the Caligula job.

Tommy- What's the latest on his recon of Vice City?

Toreno- Like I said on the phone, he found out what you did to Toni and his thugs. Joey wasn't too pleased about it. In fact, he ransacked and torched your house, and nailed a couple of your businesses. Some of them survived though. Whatever hired guns you had left, kept them at bay?

Tommy- Which one of my businesses didn't survive Mike?

Toreno- The boating business, you ice cream factory, and the taxi company...with help from the rival taxi company. The Pole Position, the movie studio and the Malibu all survived. That's not the worst of it though..

Tommy- What could be worse then that?

Before Toreno could answer, Tommy's phone rings.

Tommy- Hello?

Leone- You're a dead man Vercetti. You think you got the best of me, killing my best man? You're sadly mistaken. Toni was a good man, but as far as I'm concerned now, he's just collateral damage. What I'm about to do to you will make Toni's death look minor in the eyes of many.

Tommy- I did what I had to do. No one fucks with Tommy Vercetti and gets away with it. I'm gonna enjoy sending you to meet your dear old dad.

Leone- I don't think so. By the time you get to me, I'll have ruined your business, and your family will be all dead. No one will cover your ass...which brings me to your lovely wife and children. I've invited them over to my house. I thought a little personal time meeting the man that was going to kill their provider was in order.

Tommy- You come after my family and that'll be the last thing you'll ever...

Leone- 2 late's already been done. By the way...I hope you had insurance on that vacation
home of yours in Carcer City...they said on the news it went up in flames in minutes.

Tommy- You son of a bitch!

Leone- They're alive...for now. If you want to see them alive ever again, you turn your assets over to me, your friends in Vice and San Andreas turn their assets over to me, and we'll call it good. I'll give you 48 hours. If I don't hear from you by then, your kids will be wearing cement shoes at the bottom of the river, and your wife will be cut up into bits and pieces and mailed to you in a box!

Vercetti ends the call and starts throwing shit around.

CJ- Chill man! What's the problem!

Tommy- That mother fucking snake has my family. If we all don't turn over our assets to him in 48 hours, they're dead.

Toreno- What do you want to do?

Tommy grabs his phone and hits a speed dial number.

Tommy- Phil you there?

Phil- Yeah Tommy. I got all the hardware you requested.

Tommy- Where are you at right now?

Phil- Down in Vice. Those mob fuckers tried taking my place out, but I held them off.

Tommy- Take the weapons and head to the airport. Use one of my personal jets. Meet me in Liberty City. We're taking the Leone's out...have to do it within 48 hours. I'll get us some Patriots to haul the stuff from the airport.

Phil- Do we have a place to hideout while we plan how to take Joey out?

Tommy- I got a place in Bohan. Leone won't think to look for us there. See you in Liberty.

Tommy hangs the phone up and looks at the crew.

Tommy- I'm greatly outnumbered. This is probably a suicide mission...but I gotta save my wife and kids. My advice to you all is stay here and defend your businesses and turf. Take those fuckers out.

CJ- You got it man. We took the mob out once, we can do it again. Woozie's got guys in Chinatown, San Fierro that can help, and me and Sweet can round up some of the homies.

Cesar- Yeah, I can get some of my ese's to help too. We're still down with the Grove after you help us take out the Vagos in the 92 riots!

Sweet- A'ight that should work. What about you Tommy?

Tommy- I have some guys to help me, but probably not enough.

Toreno- I have a guy in Liberty that can help you Tommy. Not much of a talker, but very deadly with the guns...and he can drive too. There's a bit of a story behind this guy I tried telling you back in Vice, but you blew me off.

Tommy- Okay...who is he?

Toreno- His name is Claude.

CJ- Claude...that mute asshole who went to Liberty with Catalina?

Toreno- The very same. Claude is responsible for the death of Sal Leone. He's still a marked man, and has been staying out of the Portland area where the Leone's are based. I know from having talks with him, he'd love nothing more then to whip them this could be the chance. There's more to Claude's story though...about his past and where he came from. Most importantly...his family...his family that he doesn't know about.

Tommy- What family?

Toreno- He's your brother...

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