Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Rangers Jedi

The Kat Is Back

We start this new episode of Power Rangers: Jedi with our old friend Katherine. She's wondering around in the 16th dimension that she's trapped in trying to get out. Little does she know, she's not alone.

Kat- I've got to get out of here. I sure hope Zordon is figuring something out.

Cat Attack Monster- Hello former Ranger! I'm your worst nightmare! Prepare to be destroyed!

Rita- Zedd, Daddy. That Cat Monster is amazing. How about we send it to Earth to destroy the Rangers?

Master Vile- Excellent suggestion my wonderful daughter. We'll send her to Earth and she'll destroy those nasty Jedi's for good!


Ryan- So what's the verdict Zordon?

Eric- Is Ryan strong enough to get the Silver Jedi powers back?

Zordon- I'm sorry, but your body has rejected the Powers. However, your in a similar situation that Eric was with the Gold Ranger powers. You will be able to be a Ranger again someday.

Eric- Its ok man. You'll be fine. In the meantime we have to continue our search for a suitable replacement.

Ryan- I'm ok with it. I'll just help out here in the Chamber, and continue my Jedi training with Master Lucas.

Just then the alarms goes off.

Alpha- Sensors indicate a monster in the 16th dimension.

Eric- Oh no! That's where Katherine is!

Alpha- And she's battling it as we speak!

Ryan- Wait a second....If The Alliance teleports that monster out of the dimension to battle us here on Earth, she could grab a hold of it and be freed!

Zordon- Contact the other Rangers at once. They should know about this.

Clank- Your excellencies, the monster is at her peak level of strength. Should I send it to Earth?

Master Vile- Yes and send some Super Cogs with it!

Tommy- What's going on?

Eric- A new monster is in the 16th Dimension...that's where Katherine is.

Kim- Is She in trouble?

Ryan- No...the Alliance is planning to bring it here to Earth to battle us. Right now she's battling it. If she hangs onto it during teleportation...

Adam- Then she'll be free!

Just then the alarm goes off again.

Alpha- The Alliance has sent the Monster to Earth, along with a squad of Super Cogs, and Katherine is there.

Tanya- Yeah it worked.

Eric- Lets teleport to her!

Kat- Oh yes! I'm back home! Time to get out of here!

Cat Attack- Not so fast! I'm not done tearing you to shreds!

Eric- Leave her alone!

Kat- Eric! Everyone!! Its good to see you!

Tommy- Are you ok?

Kat- I am now..but I think you guys got some work to do!

Jason- Lets get these creeps!

Eric- Its Morphin Time!

Tommy- Green Jedi Power

Jason- Black Jedi Power

Kim- Pink Jedi Power

David- Purple Jedi Power

Tanya- Yellow Jedi Power

Adam- Red Jedi Power

Billy- White Jedi Power

Eric- Gold Jedi Power

Purple- Lets do it!

Kat- Nice outfits!

Gold- Ryan, teleport Kat back to the Power Chamber!

Kat smiles at Eric and is teleported right away to the Chamber.

Zordon- Welcome home Katherine, we are so glad you are out of danger.

Kat- Your telling me. It was a nightmare there....who are you?

Ryan- Hi, I'm Ryan. I'm a friend of Eric's. I came to help the Rangers as the Silver Jedi but recently lost my powers.

Kat- I'm so sorry..have you found new powers yet?

Ryan- No, the powers are still alive in Eric's hands. Until we find a new replacement, they will be in Eric's control.

Cat Attack- Come on Jedi Brats! Give me your best shot!

The fight drags on and gets worse.

Yellow- He's too strong!

Purple- We need help!


Clank- The Jedi's are losing!

Master Vile- Lets finish it! GROW MONSTER GROW!

Zordon- Rangers call your zords. Eric, can you teleport back here for a moment?

Gold- I'm on the way!

Green- Ok guys! Lets do it!

Rangers- We need Mega Jedi Zord power now!

The fight continues but the monster is just too strong for them.

Black- Zordon, we need Eric and his zord. And fast.

Eric teleports back to the Power Chamber. Eric stays morphed so he can go back to battle fast, but takes his helmet off.

Eric- What's going on?

Kat- I want to see if I can be the new Silver Jedi?

Eric- Are you sure?

Kat- Yes I am.

Eric- Very well, however these powers are very advanced. You'll control the Silver Sorcerer. The Silver ring is the way to call the power.

Kat takes the ring from Eric and puts it on. It looks like she's just about ready to morph into the Silver Jedi, when the powers reject her and shut down.

Alpha- What happened?

Eric- Don't worry Alpha. I expected this. She can't use the powers yet because she hasn't been trained as a Jedi.

Kat- I'm sorry.

Eric- Don't be. At least the powers attempted to allow you access. That's a good sign. What we can do is start you on a training program to become a Jedi. You'll just have to go to training with the rest of us when we visit Master Lucas.

Kat- Ok sounds good, but for right now, go get that creep!

She gives the ring back to Eric.


Gold- Lets finish this! SILVER SORCERER!

Gold- Ice Daggers! FIRE!

Cat Attack- Don't even make me laugh!

Purple- We need more power!

Gold- I call on Pyramidas! FIRE ALL WEAPONS!

*Monster Destroyed*


Tommy- Its great to see her back and safe.

Kim- Yeah, and she'll be a great Jedi someday too.

Adam- Yeah, she's learning a lot already.

Billy- What's really amazing is how well Eric is teaching her.

Jason- Guys don't tell Eric this, but I talked to Master Lucas, and he's so proud of Eric and his quick learning that if Eric succeeds in transforming Kat to a full fledged Padawan learner, he'll give Eric the official title of Jedi Knight.

Tanya- Wow, he'll be so glad to hear that. After what he's been through he deserves it.

David- A toast to Eric and his success.

Rangers- Yeah!

The End

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