Tuesday, May 15, 2012

Power Rangers: Next Millennium

A Call For Help

Part One

Last time on Power Rangers Next Millennium we saw the return of Eric The Gold Storm Ranger after he left to reflect on his life, after the death of his wife and son. We also saw the return of the Dragon Zord for Billy the Phantom Ranger. When we begin the episode however, we see Lord Zedd still angry that the rangers have taken control of the Silver and Phantom Rangers, and the Gold Rangers return.

Zedd- I still can't believe you stupid minions. How could you let the Silver and Phantom Rangers be turned back to good!

Goldar- I don't know what to...

Zedd- SILENCE! It won't matter! The time has come to destroy everything in the galaxy, not just the Power Rangers of Earth. And I think I know who will be first.

Goldar- Who my master?

Zedd- I am going to send you and a team of Mega Putties to Triforia to capture the Golden Staff of Trae's, and destroy that pitiful Gold Ranger of theirs!

Goldar- Ah HA HA HA! It'll be my pleasure! But what if the Rangers come to save him?

Zedd- They won't cause I'll send Scorpino and another squad to Earth to keep them busy! HA HA HA!

Meanwhile The rangers are each doing their own thing to take time off finally, now that Zedd's attacks have been rather small, or none at all. Kat and Tommy have been out of town with David for a race in Stone Canyon where Tommy is racing, Adam and Tanya are planning their wedding more and more, Billy finally got the courage to ask Trini out so they went out to Angel Grove Mountain to catch a comet flying by, and Eric and Lisa decided to finally go out together.

Eric is still down about Amanda's death and Lisa knows it, but there is a special bond between Eric and Lisa that Eric cannot deny and Eric finally told himself to move on. So the two went to the movies to see the latest Bruce Willis movie.

Lisa- This was a great idea. Thanks for taking me.

Eric- Sure no problem...you know the last time I came to the movies Master Ville kidnapped me and nearly killed me.

Lisa- Shit, that must have sucked. What movie was it?

Eric- Star Wars A New hope special edition. Great movie, bad happening after wards!

Just then their communicators go off and they look at each other.

Lisa- Oh no!

Eric- Lets go!


Eric and Lisa head outside and find an area where there's no one around.

Eric- This is Eric.

Karone- Eric we got some problems. Can you and Lisa teleport to the Command Center? We'll contact the others.

Lisa- We're on the way!

Eric and Lisa teleport to the Command Center. Each in their own Ranger Colors, Eric in a black with Gold bursts in a streak, and Lisa in a Black with Silver bursts of steaking color.

When they arrive, the rest of the rangers are in the Command Center.

Jason- What's going on Dimitria?

Dimitria- We are in a full blown warfare attack with Lord Zedd. He has begain is quest to destroy all that is good tonight, beginning with our friend from Triforia Trae.

Lisa- Who's Trae?

Tommy- He's the Gold Ranger from Triforia. He lost his powers briefly and Jason used the power but he eventually got them back.

Dimitria- Zedd's mission is to destroy Trae and use the Golden powers for his own to recharge Serpentara and also use Pyramidas for his own.

Adam- We can't let him get away with that!

Kim- Lets go and stop him!

Dimitria- I'm afraid its not that easy. Zedd has decided to divide his forces to split you up or make you not go to Triforia, he has sent Scorpino and some Mega Putties to Angel Grove also.

Rocky- Shit, this is gonna be ugly!

Eric- Alpha 5, I think this is a great time to call our old friends the Alien Rangers. Have them come here and fight with 4 of our rangers while the rest of us go to Triforia. If the aliens go on that planet, they might die of dehydration.

Alpha 5- I'll get right on it.

Eric- Ok guys lets divide and conqure. I'll go to Triforia with Lisa, Rocky, and Trini. Tommy will lead the rest of you with the Alien Rangers to fight here on Earth.

Billy- I'll go with you too Eric, you may need the Dragon Zord just in case!

Karone- The Alien Rangers got our message, They agree, that fighting here on Earth at night time is much easier on them then on Triforia's desert planet. So their on the way!

Trini- Ok, Lets kick some putty ass!

Eric- Its morphin Time!

Lisa- Silver Storm Ranger Power
Tommy- Black Storm Ranger Power
Kim- Pink Storm Ranger Power
Adam- Red Storm Ranger Power
Trini- Yellow Storm Ranger Power
Jason- Green Storm Ranger Power
Rocky- White Storm Ranger Power
Eric- Gold Storm Ranger Power
Billy- Phantom Ranger Power

Tommy and his group teleport to downtown Angel Grove just as the Alien Rangers teleport in too.

Black- Hey Guys its Tommy, glad you can help us.

White Alien- Its nice to see you Tommy! We're glad to help!

Scorpino- HA HA! Hey Rangers, where are your other Storm Ranger friends? Chicken out?

Green- No they went to stop bucket head and the rest of the freaks from hurting our friend.

Scorpino- I wish them luck, but 2 bad they won't live to see another day again, which is what I'm gonna do with you and your alien friends too! GET THEM!

Black- Ok lets do it!

Rangers- Right

Meanwhile on Triforia, Trae is morphed and fighting tons of Mega Putties and Goldar, he gets nailed really bad and falls down

Goldar- Give it up Gold Ranger, We have you numbered! Make it easy on yourself and give us the golden staff! We might let you live too!


Goldar- Then I'll just have to destroy you! Its been nice knowing you.

With that, Goldar takes his sword and raises it above his head and as he's about to stab Trae, the sword is sliced out of his hands by a flying lightsaber, and a flying Gold Storm Ranger kicks Goldar to the ground and uses his force pull to get his saber back.

Gold- Hold it buckethead, We're here to take you down!

Goldar- Well well. Another weak minded Gold Ranger! I'll destroy you too!

Gold- Bring it on ugly!


The rangers continue to fight the Mega Putties and Goldar, Trae is badly hurt and is trying to get away but Goldar sees him and fires at him, knocking him over. He goes over to the injured ranger who has now demorphed. He grabs Trae's head and twists it and the rangers and the putties stop at what their doing when they hear a loud snap. The snap of course is Trae's neck being broke into 3 different pieces. Eric then has flash backs of his lightstar ranger team being destroyed, he calls for his Excaliber sword and goes after Goldar. Goldar is now in possesion with the Golden staff and fires at Eric, knocking him down.

Silver- You'll pay for that! Take this!

Lisa calls for her Zeus sword, and fights Goldar. Goldar finally gets in a vulnerable place and Lisa knocks the staff out of his hands. Billy grabs the staff and runs away from Goldar.

Goldar- Give that back! That's mine!

Phantom- I don't think so!

Billy tries to fire at Goldar using the staff but realizes he can't do it. He then remembers about his episode during the ZEO days that he tried to be Trae's replacement, but couldn't use the powers. But then Billy remembered who could use the powers.

Phantom- Eric! Here! Catch!

Billy throws the staff up in the air for grabs. The Putties try to get it but just then Eric see his chance and jump spins above them and grabs the staff. He lands next to Billy, points the staff at the putties and fires it. The explosion knocks them all down and destroys them. Goldar then decides to grow and take the rangers on giant size.

Yellow- Oh no! Now What?

White- Yeah we can't call the Storm Mega Zord, cause all the rangers are not here!

Gold- Rocky, you and Trini call the Astro Mega Zord, Lisa call your Zeus Zord, and I'll call the Super Gold Astro Zord!

Rangers- Right!

The rangers call the zords and the fight gets tough. Goldar is holding well.

Gold- I call on the power of Pyramidas!

The famous pyramid shaped zord comes out and fires at Goldar at full power. Goldar goes down, gets up and decides to leave the battle.

Goldar- I'll be back Rangers! You'll be sorry!

Silver- Yeah you did it Eric! Way to go!

The battle on Earth is beginning to struggle until the rest of the rangers teleport in.

Black- Hey how'd it go?

Gold- Not good. Lets finish this!

Scorpino decided that he had enough and took his troops and left.

Pink- Yeah we did it!


Adam- I can't believe it.

Kim- Its so sad.

Eric- Lets look on the brightside, at least Trae died doing what he loved doing best, and in honor.

Jason- Dimitria, now with him gone, and Eric in possession of the Golden Staff again what happens?

Dimitria- I have been contacted by the leader of the Triforian people that as a gift of saving their planet, we can keep the Golden Staff and the Zord. However, we will need to find a replacement as the Gold Ranger because Eric has his duties as the Gold Storm Ranger, and won't be able to keep the powers for long.

Tommy- How come?

Dimitria- Eventually, Eric's powers and the Golden powers will block each other out and they won't allow him to call Pyramidas when needed. That's why we'll need a new Ranger soon.

Eric- Don't worry Dimitria, we'll find someone.

Meanwhile on the moon.

Zedd- Those rangers may have the Golden Staff but I shall have the last laugh soon!

Goldar- What's next my master?

Zedd- Phase two is coming in my plan. The next to be destroyed will be those Alien Rangers. They will finally meet their makers! HA HA HA HA HA

To Be Continued....

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