Sunday, October 11, 2009

Power Rangers Next Millennium

Disclaimer: The following episode is rated PG 13 for minor language....

Spell Bound

Part 1

Last time on Power Rangers Next Millennium we saw the return of Eric as the Gold Storm Ranger, and the appearance of a new evil ranger, created by Lord Zedd. The new Rangers' identity is unknown to the Power Rangers. Billy, and the two Alpha's have been working together to find out what the new Zeus Zord is all about and how to stop it, along with finding out who the Silver Ranger is, and to try and bring him back to the good side.

While all that's going on, Eric is at the Angel Grove Medical Center with Amanda. Amanda went into labor early that morning and is ready to have the baby. Tommy and his fiancee Katherine, and the rest of the gang are waiting in the waiting room for news.

Eric- Ah your doing great honey, just a little more.

Doctor- Ok Amanda, I see the head. You got to push one more time so the shoulders can come out. That's the tough part.

Amanda- Wheeew... AAAAAHHH!!!!!

Eric and Amanda's baby is born, and it begins to cry. Amanda is whipped out, and Eric is showing his emotions as he's finding out what they're having

Doctor- Ha, congratulations, its a boy!

Eric- That's wonderful! A Boy!

Amanda- How'd I do? *pants*

Eric- You did great. I love you! *kisses Amanda*

Eric- I'll go tell the others!

Zedd- Ha this is the perfect chance for me to strike with the new Zeus zord. With the Gold Rangers wife in the hospital and he's at her side, the rangers will be down a 1/4 of power. My Silver Ranger will tear the others to shreds!

Goldar- What do you want to do master.

Zedd- FOOL! I'm going to send my ranger down there to destroy the rangers while their fearless leader is away. Silver Ranger!!

Silver- Yes my master.

Zedd- Its time to destroy the power rangers! You know what to do!

Silver- As you wish my master!

Zedd- Nothing can stop me now! HA HA HA!


Eric- Hi guys!

Kimberly- Ok so what is it?

Eric- Its a boy!

Trini- Great!

Jason- Congratulations man!

Eric receives hugs from all his friends. Just then their communicators go off.

Adam- Oh no!

Kim- Boy Zedd sure knows how to spoil a good moment.

Eric- You guys go ahead, if its serious have Dimitria call me.

Tommy- Ok, lets roll. Kat, I'll see ya later at home! *kisses her*

Ryan- I'll take her home Tommy. She'll be safe with me.

Tommy- Thanks Man!

Kat- Be Careful!

Tommy- I will!

The Rangers flash some motions to Eric as they head off, Eric and his childhood best friend Ryan touch fists as he and Kat leave. The rangers find a place where no one's around and teleport to the Command Center.

Tommy- What's up Dimitria?

Dimitria- Rangers, the evil Silver Ranger is attacking once more!

Rocky- Great Just what we don't need.

Kim- Is his Zord attacking?

Billy- No, but that's good cause its too powerful. Our Zords won't stand a chance against it.

Jason- Well we should go out there and slow down this guy while you figure out a way to stop him.

Billy- I'll try.

Rocky- Lets do it!

Tommy- Right! Its Morphin Time!

Tommy- Black Storm Ranger Power

Kimberly- Pink Storm Ranger Power

Adam- Red Storm Ranger Power

Trini- Yellow Storm Ranger Power

Jason- Green Storm Ranger Power

Rocky- White Storm Ranger Power!


Silver- Well well. Look who dropped by! 2bad It will be your final farewell!

Black- I don't think so! Siyaaaa!!!!

Tommy attacks the Ranger, Tommy tries to slice him with the Typhoon Sword, but The Silver Ranger fires his Zeus saber and knocks Tommy & the sword to the ground!

Silver- Face it Black Ranger, your no match for me! ha ha ha! Time for this place to be gone forever! ZEUS BATTLE ZORD. DESTROY ANGEL GROVE!

Pink- Oh No!

White- Now What?

Alpha 5- Ayi Yi Yi the Silver Ranger is attacking with his Zord.

Billy- I can't do it! The Zords are not enough! We need major help!

Women's Voice- Maybe I can help!

A women comes out of the dark shadows of the Command Center. Standing in front of the 2 Alpha's, Billy, and Dimitria is Karone, the sister of the falling Red Lightstar Ranger, Andros.


Alpha 6- Yo Karone, what'ja doin back here on Earth.

Karone- I heard you guys were in a bit of a jam with this new villain and his evil ranger's zord, so I came back to help you.

Billy- But how?

Karone- I'm giving you guys the Astro Mega Zord back. It should be able to help.

Alpha 5- Ayi Yi Yi! With that, and the Storm Mega Zords, we may just have enough power to defeat the Silver Ranger!

Billy- How will you get back home Karone?

Karone- I'm not going back. My Brother and Zhane are buried now, and I decided to come here to help out here in the Command Center. I think with my computer skills, and knowledge about far out galaxies, I can be of help.

Dimitria- You are most welcome to stay. But now we must help the rangers. Billy tell Tommy that Karone is back and we can call on the power of the Astro Mega Zord. We must also call Eric into action and get his zords into battle as well.

Billy- Ok, I'm on it.

Billy- Tommy great news! Karone has come back and has given us the Astro Mega Zord back! Call on it and it will be enough power along with our Storm Zords to beat the Zeus Zord. I'm contacting Eric right now also!

Black- Thanks Billy! Welcome Back Karone!

Karone- Thanks Tommy!

Meanwhile back at the hospital, Eric and Amanda are holding their newborn son and are discussing names for the child.

Amanda- Ok how about Eric Jr for a name?

Eric- Its perfect.

Eric kisses his son and his wife just as his communicator goes off.

Eric- I read you

Alpha 6- Yo Eric, hate to take you away from your family but the rangers need you and your zord. We also got some extra help.

Eric- How?

Billy- Karone has come back to help in the Command Center. She's giving us the Astro Mega Ship back!

Eric- That's awesome. Ok I'm on the job!

Billy- Hey Amanda, congratulations. I'll stop by later to see ya!

Amanda- Thanks Billy! Go Eric. We'll be alright. I love you!

Eric- I love you more!

Eric kisses his wife and son one more time before making the call.

Eric- Its Morphin time!

Eric- Gold Storm Ranger Power

Gold- Yaaaa!

Gold- Ok Guys Lets take care of business!


Silver- Come on Rangers, give me your best shot!

Green- You'll be sorry you messed with us!

Rangers- We need Storm Mega Zord Power Now!

Gold- Well since I'm the only one that knows how to run the Astro Mega Zord, I guess I better get it up and going!

Black- Go for it Eric!

Gold- Astro Mega Zord Power now!

The evil Silver Ranger battles the rangers for some time. Each zord going back and forth. While this is going on, Billy and Karone work the computers to finally find out who the Silver Ranger is

Karone- Dimitria, the computer has found the identity of the Silver Ranger.

Dimitria- Who is this person?


Black- Lets finish this asshole off guys!

Rangers- Right!

Billy- Eric, Tommy, you guys gotta stop the fight. I got some important news!

But before any of the rangers could stop, Eric called for his lightning sword and damaged the Zeus Zord pretty bad!

Silver- Nice hit rangers. You drained my zords power for now! But I shall return!

Gold- Only a chicken shit would run! Great job guys!

Pink- Yeah we did it!

Red- Yeah..but for how long!?!


Following the battle with Silver Ranger, the Rangers teleport back to the Command Center. They stand around listening to what Billy and Karone found in the computers.

Tommy- What's going on Billy?

Billy- Well, Karone and I worked with the computer to find out who the Silver Ranger is, and we found a match.

Trini- Who is it?

Billy- Now when you see the person in the viewing globe, remember, Zedd must have him under a spell, just like he did with you on many occasions.....Tommy.

The rangers look at the viewing globe and right away they are shocked at what they see.

Jason- Is that who I think it is?

Adam- Can't be!

Eric- No Way!

Tommy- NO! It can't be..........................DAVID!!!!!!

To Be Continued!

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