Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Power Rangers- Next Millennium

David's Destiney

Last time on Power Rangers Next Millennium we saw that Ryan The Gold Ranger was actually an evil clone. The Real Ryan is safe away in another galaxy. Meanwhile Tommy and Katherine have gone off to the Indian Reservation to seek David because he's the only other human that can use the Gold Ranger powers.
Right now Its morning and Lisa, Kimberly, and Stacy are leaving for the Youth Center to work out. Eric is in Lisa's room, after he spent the night there, and Britney is in the shower just as they leave.
Lisa- Britney, we're leaving for the youth center now. Eric is still sleeping in my bed!
Britney- Ok see ya later.
Lisa, Kim, and Stacy all leave and take off. Minutes later Eric wakes up and looks around.
Eric- Lisa Honey?
Eric hears the shower and he sees Lisa's shirt on the foot of the bed that she wore last night. He grins and takes his shirt and shorts off, grabs a towel and heads to the bathroom. Meanwhile on the moon
Zedd- Perfect, with the Gold Ranger out of commision we can take the world by storm.
Rita- Zedd, but your forgetting, the rangers are looking for a replacement for the Golden Powers. We don't have much time before they come back!
Zedd- I'm not concerned with that. I'm going to send Scorpino to Earth and destroy Angel Grove while their away! HA HA HA

Kat- Do you know where he is?
Tommy- After he left the team, he came back up here to the reservation.
Kat- I hope we find him.
Tommy- Yeah me too, the team needs him.
Tommy and Katherine pull the truck up to David's house. David is sitting in a chair reading when he sees Tommy and his future sister in law pull up and get out. David smiles and goes to recieve some hugs. The trio sits down and Tommy begins to tell David why he and Kat are there.
Tommy- The team needs you back bro.
David- I left for a reason Tommy. I can't come back. I've failed as a ranger.
Tommy- Don't talk like that or I'll kick your ass! It wasn't your fault, it was Lord Zedd's. He had you under his control.
The brothers don't say anything for a bit.
Tommy- Look, Zedd tricked us again. Ryan turned out to be an evil clone. We managed to save the Gold Ranger powers but we need a new person to control the powers. You turn out to be the only one that can use the powers. Come on man we want you back on the team man.
Meanwhile back at the apartment Eric enters the bathroom while Britney is in the shower. Eric slips in and kisses her neck. Britney turns around and gasps. So does Eric.
Britney- Eric! What are you doing!
Eric- OH SHIT! I'm sorry I thought you were Lisa. I saw her clothes on the bed and I thought she was you. I'm sorry.
For a second both just stared at each other. Eric then exits the shower, dries off and puts on clean clothes, Britney gets her cleaned up and dried herself off. Just then their communicators go off. Britney rushes out to the main room where Eric is to get her shoes on.
Eric- Nice outfit!
Britney gets her shoes on. She's wearing her hot pink swim suite top with cut off jean shorts. Eric recieves the call.
Eric- This is Eric, I read you!
Tommy- Eric this is Tommy. We found David.
Eric- What's up?
Tommy- He's coming back to us. With the help of some persuasion from me, and some threatening to kick his ass.
Eric- Great, let the power transfer begin!
Tommy- Ok, while he's doing that we have to battle Scorpino in the park again. I called the others, their on the way with me.
Eric- Ok, Britney and I are comin. Eric out.
Eric- You ready to roll?
Britney- Lets Do it!
Eric- Its Morphin Time!
Britney- Pink Storm Ranger Power
Eric- Gold Storm Ranger Power!
The rangers all meet up in the park.
Scorpino- Mega Putties ATTACK!
The rangers fight the putties but they are greatly out numbered.
Red- We can't fight them. There's too many of them!
Pink- We need David!

Dimitra- Alpha 5, how is the transfer of the Golden powers?
Alpha 5- David is almost ready, and good timing too. The Rangers are in trouble.
Karone- Transfer complete!
Dimitria- David, how do you feel?
David- Energized!
Dimitria- Good go help your friends!
David teleports to the park as the new Gold Ranger, he takes out his Golden staff and...
Gold Ranger- Its time for a gold rush!
Gold Ranger- Fire!
All the mega putties are destroyed. Scorpino is stunned.
Scorpino- I will get my revenge rangers you can count on that!

Dimitria- Well done on a fine performance rangers!
Tommy- David, you did it man, you faced your fears and you did great. I'm proud of you bro! *hugs David*
David- Thanks, its great to be back. I'm so relieved.
Casey- What comes next?
Tommy- A wedding. Kat and I are getting hitched!
Jason- You can bet I'll be there bro!
Stacy- Me too!
Eric- We'll all be there.

The End

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