Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Rangers Metallic

Metallic Misfortune

The Rangers continue their fun in Miami, Florida. Tommy and Kimberly are hanging out together, and Eric and his friend Amanda continue their close friendship. As we begin we see Kimberly and Amanda talking to each other sunbathing on the beach. Kim's wearing a simple black and gold 2 piece bikini, and Amanda is wearing a black and purple one piece job.

Kim- So how's things between you and Eric?

Amanda- Really good. He's sweet, shy, and very understanding.

Kim- Yeah he's a nice guy.

Just then Eric comes and sits next to the girls

Eric- Hey cutie! *kisses Amanda's neck*

Amanda- Hey Eric! Where have you been?

Eric- Ooh, I was over at the car show. They had this awesome Dodge Viper...Oh was that thing so hot!

Amanda- Ooh I see...spend time with a car but don't spend time with me?

Eric- I like looking at cars...I love being with you.

Amanda laughs and pokes Eric in the side. Meanwhile, at the evil base....

Divatox- Ha! That Power Ranger just gave me a brilliant idea!

Havoc- What is it my evil sister?

Divatox- I will turn that car that the Gold Ranger loves so much, and make it into a monster.

Havoc- Wonderful! When the Rangers face it, it will be their final battle ever!


Algar- Ooh Ooh Auntie Dee! That Gold Metallic Ranger is on the beach with that cute girl!

Divatox- Send the Piranatrons! Send so many that he can't morph!

We head back to the beach where we see Amanda laying on her stomach and Eric rubbing lotion on her back.

Amanda- Ooh that feels so good! You should do this as a job.

Eric- *laughs* I've had good compliments on my back rubs.

Just then a swarm of Piranatrons appear.

Amanda- *screams* What are those ugly things?

Eric- They're called Piranatrons. You stay here. I'll handle this!

Amanda wraps up in her towel and watches Eric fight the Piranatrons.

Eric- Lets go!

While Eric battles the squad of Piranatrons, Amanda begins to be amazed at Eric's martial arts abilities. All of the sudden, a few come after her.

Amanda- *screams* Aah! Let me go!

Eric- Amanda! Hang on!

Eric does a flip in the air and body slams a Piranatron onto the sand. Another one comes running towards Eric, but is met by Eric's foot to his face. The other remaining Piranatrons escape.

Amanda- Wow! *hugs Eric* That was amazing! Where did you learn all that?

Eric- My friend Tommy taught me some of it. Most of it is your basic street fighting .

Just then Eric's communicator goes off. At first Eric ignores it, but Amanda asks.

Amanda- What is that?

Eric- Ooh Its like a walkie talky type of thing. Tommy is that you? I got Amanda here with me.

Alpha 6- Um..Yeah its me. We're waiting for you at the Epcot Center. We need you fast.

Eric- Ok I'm on my way. I'll see you later. *kisses Amanda*

Amanda- See ya later.

Eric picks his things up, puts his shirt and flip-flops on and runs off, he heads behind a corner and gets in his morphing stance.

Eric- Go Metallic!

Eric- Gold Ranger Metallic Power

Gold- Ok guys Lets do it!

Viper- I'll tear you into shreds!

Blue- Oh man! He's too strong!

Yellow- We need help!


Phantom Ranger- Hello Rangers. I'm here to help you!

Red- Hang on a sec. We read you Zordon.

Zordon- We are sending the Metallic Laser Blaster for you.

Rangers- Metallic Laser Blasters! FIRE!

Gold- Time for my lightsaber! SIYAAA!

Divatox- NOOO! He's losing! Fire the torpedoes!

Rhygog- Firing now!


Rangers- We need Metallic Mega Zord Power Now!

Gold- Pyramidas Power Up!

Viper- Give me your best shot! I can take anything! HA HA HA!

Gold- Metallic Ultra Zord!

Red- Every things on line! Ready to go!

Green- Fire all weapons!

Viper- What the??

*Monster Destroyed*

Divatox- DRAT! I can't believe it! Those Rangers win again!

Havoc- Next time they won't be so lucky!


Eric- Well we're all packed and ready to go.

Amanda- Kimberly and I made an important decision.

Justin- What's that?

Amanda- We've decided to come back with you to Angel Grove. I want to train there, and I want to continue our relationship Eric. We have something special going and I don't want to lose that.

Kim- I want to continue our friendship too Tommy. I know we won't be as close as we were before but at least we can still be friends.

Eric- Its good to have you two coming with us!

Tommy and Eric give the girls a big hug.

The End

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