Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Rangers In Space

Turbo Cars Gone Galactic

With new powers and a new enemy, the Rangers decide they need more help. So in the high school garage, Eric, TJ, Andros and Alpha work on weekends to improve the Turbo vehicles Lightning Cruiser, and the Trans Am.

Andros- How are we doing?

Eric- We're almost finished. Just a few more repairs.

Andros- We need to hurry. D.E.C.A says that Astronama is preparing for an attack.

TJ- We'd better hurry and get the parts for the Ship too.

Alpha- Ayi Yai Yai lets get moving then!

Eric- Right! We're ready to go! Lets move!

Astronama- Hmm..those Power Rangers will be tough to beat, but I will eventually destroy them! In time they will be mine!

Algar- Way Cool! Lets do it!

Astronama- What are you doing here! Quanatrons get rid of him!

Algar- Wait! Dark Specter thought you could use my help!

Astronama- He said that? Very well. Let him go. We could always use the help around here. Go down there and destroy the Rangers. Take some Quanatrons with you!

Algar- Cool! ok lets go!

Astronama- Nothing can stop me now!


Andros- Ok I got the parts. Lets load them in the cars and get moving!

TJ- Oh no! Look!

Kim- Quanatrons!

Algar- Ok Rangers surrender!

Carlos- Lets do it!

Eric- Lets Rocket!

Rangers- Power Rangers!

Purple- Your mine Algar!

Algar- Bring it on!

The Rangers fight the Quanatrons and Algar and do very well.

Black- Ha ha! Is that the best you can do?

Algar- See ya later!

Red- Power down!

Purple/Eric- Lets go!


Alpha- Rangers! Astronama is attacking the shuttle. You must hurry!

TJ- Ok Alpha hold on! Eric, its time to floor it buddy! We don't have much time!

Eric- I hear ya buddy.

The two Turbo cars speed up and make it to the ship.

Astronama- Shoot their vehicles!


TJ- What's going on?

Andros- She's shooting at the cars. We gotta move now!

Eric- Hit the brakes! Alpha teleport the cars to the docking bays on the ship, teleport us and the parts onto the shuttle!

Alpha- Right away Rangers!

Astronama- Where are they?

Algar- On the ship!

Astronama- ATTACK THEM!

Andros- We gotta hook up to the ship and get the zords.

Eric- Lets Rocket!

Red- Lock on target!

Pink- Weapons set!

Yellow- Do it!

Black- Firing all weapons!

*monster destroyed*

Rangers- YES!

Astronama- I'll get you next time! It won't be easy either!


Eric- I'm glad to say that the cars are ok. However Mountain Blaster has been destroyed for good.

Andros- All systems to the ship are online.

TJ- So now do we go after Zordon?

Andros- Yes

Eric- Then lets do it!

The End

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