Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Rangers Metallic

The Final Countdown

Part 2

The Rangers have long since left from the insides of the Power Chamber to do battle with Divatox's forces. Its a long tough battle and its not looking well.

Gold- This isn't looking good! Gold Trans Am Power! Gold Laser blast!

Algar- Cool! My own car! Thanks!

Gold- Hey! Get out!

Algar- No! You get out!

Pink- We're losing!



Blue- The doors jammed! I can't close it!

Gold- Ok everyone! Push!

Green- Doors are locked.

Pink/Amanda- *taking helmet off* What do we do now?


Eric- Alpha how are the shields holding up?

Alpha- Their losing power and fast.

Just then a loud bang occurs on the roof.

Carlos- Look at the viewing globe!

TJ- They're trying to get in through the roof.

Kim- Oh my gosh! The doors!

Just then the Pirantrons break in, The rangers have no time to re morph with their helmets on so they drop them and continue the fight. Meanwhile Algar begins to plant the bombs.

Algar- Lets blow this pop stand!

As soon as he exits the Power Chamber, the chamber shakes and blows up.....



Just then a messenger comes to Divatox. Tommy is seen hidden behind some fallen rubble.

Messenger- Divatox, I have an important message from Dark Specter. Zordon has been taken capture and you and your crew must report to him. If you don't he will punish you!

Divatox- Hmm well our job is done. Without Zordon there will be no more Power Rangers..Oh sure We'll come! After all, I defeated the Power Rangers, so I should be given a special commendation. VIVA LA DIVA!

Just then Divatox, Algar, Rhygog, The Piranatrons, the monster, and the Messenger all leave.


Red/Tommy- You guys ok?

Yellow/Kim- Yeah think so.

Gold/Eric- Alpha! YOUR OK!

Alpha- Yo I sure am. It'll take more than a little explosion to knock me out of commission.

Tommy- I just overheard Divatox's messenger that Zordon's been captured.

Just then without warning their powers shut down on them.

Pink/Amanda- Our powers!

Kim- Eltar must have been taken capture.

TJ- What do we do now?

Eric- I got an idea! I'll use my communicator to contact NASA Space Base.

Carlos- Lets do it.

Eric- Attention NASA SPACE BASE, this is the Gold Metallic Ranger. The Power Rangers, the planet Earth and the galaxy as we know it are in grave danger. Our leaders home planet, where our powers originate has been invaded and we are left powerless. We are asking for assistance to get to the planet Eltar.

NASA- Affirmative Gold Ranger. We have a space shuttle available. It is all yours.

Eric- Thank you. Please make sure that there is no one in the area of the ship until we board and close the doors. We don't want our identities known. We also ask all video and motion detector camera's be turned off.

NASA- Yes you're right. We'll be ready and waiting for your call.

Eric- Thank you! Gold Ranger. Out.

Kim- Way to go!

Tommy- Lets do it!


The Rangers make it into town with the help of their vehicles. Eric programs the Trans Am to have the cars park at a safe place near the Police Station.

Tommy- This is Red Ranger, The Power Rangers are in the area. Make sure the area is secure and no one is around, and please have any and all camera's shut down. Stand by!

The Rangers run to the ship, get in and strap in. Eric closes the doors and sits next to Amanda.

Eric- This is it guys!

TJ- Lets make space dust!

Amanda helps Alpha get all strapped in.

Alpha- Thanks Amanda.

NASA- Countdown in T -minus 5. 4. 3. 2. 1. we have lift off!

Tommy- Thank you Houston!

NASA- Good luck Power Rangers. God speed and please come home safely.

Eric sees Amanda a little disturbed and grabs her hand and kisses it.

Eric- Don't worry..we'll be ok!

To Be Continued Next Series

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