Monday, May 21, 2012

Power Rangers- Next Millennium

Victory & Aborting

Part 3

Last time we saw Eric travel to the past to see if Zordon could help the rangers get more powerful Zords to help defeat Lord Zedd and his crew. Zordon did, and gave Eric 9 new Planet Key Cards. Each holding a battle Zordon on every planet in the Solar System. We also saw Lisa at the doctors office to see if she was indeed pregnant with Eric's child, and we saw Britney and Ryan once again together in the passions of love, and Britney told Ryan that she too was also pregnant but that she didn't want to keep the child, or have an abortion. When we open the show we see Ryan and Britney together walking into the doctors office.
Ryan- Are you sure this is what you want?
Britney- I guess. I'm not too thrilled about the idea of having an abortion but I'm just not ready for kids.
Ryan- Me neither but this isn't just my decision, this is also yours. I will respect you no matter what you do.
Just then Britney's name is called and she kisses Ryan as she leaves. Britney is then escorted to a private room and told to take her clothing off and to put on a hospital gown. The doctor, along with a nurse come in and gets Britney set up.
Doctor- We know this can be a hard time, but if you want we can set you up with a good psychologist if you need help.
Britney- No its ok, I got some friends that will take care of me.
Doctor- Ok, lay back and relax. You will feel some tugging and a lot of suckion.
Britney lays back on the table with her feet strapped into stirups. Her gown is raised to her navel revealing her vagina to the doctor and nurse. The doctor begins to work and finally speaks up.
Doctor- Ok honey don't move. I don't wanna injure you too much
The doctor begins the abortion and midway through the proceedure, Britney is in tears and can't handle it.
Doctor- Ok we're all done. You will feel sore for a week or two. I will have the nurse take you to the rest room and she'll give you something to clean up with. Then we'll bring you back here to rest a bit. If you want we can send your friend in.
Britney- *cries* Thank you!
Doctor- *Pats Britney on her leg* Your welcome, but please, take it easy, and use my advice about seeing a psychologist. This is a tough time for you.
The doctor leaves and the nurse takes Britney to a bathroom. As Britney applies the meds, she looks at herself in the mirror and begins to sob again.
Britney- *cries* What the hell have I done?


Meanwhile back in the Command Center the rangers are getting a briefing on the new zords.
Eric- These Zords are powered by the strongest power of their home planet. Each of the nine Zords appear on the planets. When I call your name, come up here and get choose a card.
Kim- Which one did you choose Eric?
Eric- I took Earth.
Lisa goes to the cards and looks at the remaining 8. She can't decide but then Eric looks at her with that loving look he had shown her the previous night they were together.
Lisa- I'll take Neptune. Its the Twin of the Earth, and my honey is controling Earth. *smiles*
Tommy- I'll Take Mercury.
Kim- Venus.
Adam- Mars.
Trini- Jupiter.
Jason- Saturn.
Rocky- Pluto, cause its cold and I got Ice Storm Power.
Billy- Looks like I get Uranus.
The rangers laugh after Billy says this. Billy begins to laugh too.
Billy- We are sick minded people!
Eric- Zordon says that these don't convert to Mega Zords yet. These are just like the Alien Rangers battle zords. They fight alone. But that's ok cause when they are out, we can have the recharged Storm Mega Zord get ready for the final blows.
Adam- So How do we activate them?
Karone- They are placed in the memory banks of your Storm Zord.
Just then the alarm goes off.
Alpha 6- Yo no, the monsters have began their attack again!
Trini- Where's Ryan?
Lisa- He took Britney to the Doctors office for something.
Tommy- Don't worry about it, if its really bad then we'll call him!
Rocky- Lets do it!
Eric- Its Morphin Time!
Lisa- Silver Storm Ranger Power
Tommy- Black Storm Ranger Power
Kim- Pink Storm Ranger Power
Adam- Red Storm Ranger Power
Trini- Yellow Storm Ranger Power
Jason- Green Storm Ranger Power
Rocky- White Storm Ranger Power
Eric- Gold Storm Ranger Power
Billy- Phantom Ranger Power
Gold- Lets do it!
Rangers- Right!
Scorpino- Well well! Look who's back! The weakling Power Rangers!
White- You'll be sorry you messed with us!
Scorpino- Yeah you wish! GET THEM!
Meanwhile back at the doctors office Britney and Ryan are together in the room. Britney is still in a hospital gown and on the table. Ryan is in a chair next to her stroking her hair.
The doctor knocks and comes in.
Doctor- Britney are you ok?
Britney- Yeah I'm ready to go.
Doctor- Ok I'll be back in a little bit to let you go.
Britney changes her clothes, and while they wait, she and Ryan continue to hold hands. Finally, the doctor comes in checks on Britney, gives her some final advice, and some tylenol and sends her home. Ryan and Britney go to his house and change into their bathing suits. They jump in Ryan's private pool that is well secluded from priing eyes and they begin to kiss and hold each other. This time they hold off on sex. They know that after what happened, that Britney needed some time to heal.


Zedd- Lets finish this! GROW MONSTERS GROW!
Scorpino- Time to crush this lousy town!
Gold- Storm Mega Zord Power up now!
Goldar- Ahh HA HA HA! Give it up, you don't stand a chance!
Gold- Ok guys activate your Planet Zords!
Each ranger puts his or her Planet Key Card in the computer of their storm Zord. Just then their computers confirm that the Zords are active and ready for action.
Karone- The Zords are online!
Phantom- Uranus Battle Zord Now!
Black- Mercury Battle Zord
Pink- Venus Battle Zord
Green- Saturn Battle Zord
Yellow- Jupiter Battle Zord
Silver- Neptune Battle Zord
Red- Mars Battle Zord
White- Pluto Battle Zord
Gold- Earth Battle Zord Power up!
Goldar- Oh No!
The rangers fire their main weapons at the 4 reconstructed Zedd monsters and destroy them! All that's left is Goldar and Scorpino.
Scorpino- You may have one this round Rangers but we will win the war!
Pink- Yeah we did it!
Gold- Great job guys!


The rangers congradulate each other on a fine job well done. Afterwards each of them went their seperate ways. Lisa was told by Britney that she was pregnant and had an abortion. The two had a firm talk on the matters of safe sex and that what she did could effect her life in the future. Britney is still hurting by the procedure but is still dating Ryan and the two are having safe sex when they feel the urge to quench their sexual fires. Now we see Eric and Lisa together at Eric's house. Its a beautiful night and the two are together skinny dipping in the swimming pool. The pool is lit from the back yard light that Eric turned on. The two are sipping wine together. After a sip Eric swims farther out to the deep end. Lisa follows.
Lisa- I saw the doctor while you were gone to see Zordon.
Eric- And what happened?
Lisa- *smiles* I'm pregnant.
Before Eric could ask weather she wanted it or not she put her arms and legs around
Eric's muscular body and kisses him softly on the lips.
Lisa- I want to keep this child. I've never had responsibility before, until now being a ranger. But I want to be a mom, and a wife too. Especially with you Eric. I love you!
Eric- *smiles* I love you too.
With that the two begin to kiss each other again. Eric then takes his future wife to the edge of the pool, gets out, and helps Lisa out. He then picks her up, wraps her in a towel, and takes her to his room for a night of romance. Just then a bright flash of white goes before our eyes and we see Amanda holding Eric Jr. staring down at Eric and Lisa and smiling at her love.
Amanda- Good luck Eric my love. You two are a cute couple together. You will treat her great. You two will live together longer than we have. Your child will be beautiful, and a future Ranger itself. Its parents love each other like crazy, and it will be a perfect son or daughter to you.
She then stares for a bit without saying anything.
Amanda- I love you Eric, my Prince, my Gold knight! I will love you forever!

The End

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