Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Rangers In Space


Part 1

A lot has changed since the last story. First, Andros and Ashley have taken a liking to each other and are now a couple. Eric and Amanda continue to do well together, and Zhane, who was having morphing troubles, is recharged and protecting refugees from his home planet KO 35. Andros found out that Astronama is actually Karone, his long lost sister. After she gains trust of him she was recaptured by Dark Specter to be placed under his control. Then she wanted Dark Specter gone for good by destroying his power supply by creating psycho rangers that feed of his powers. They were destroyed and now Specter still lives, but now Dark Specter grows tired and the time to end the battle is near!

Dark Specter- Astronama, my powers are still low and fading, I'm growing tired of this situation we are in. Its time to attack now.

Astronama- Yes I agree, I will round up all of the forces of evil and we will begin the final battle!

Astronama- Monsters and villains here me now. The time has come for the end to come. I have received word from Dark Specter that its time to finish off the forces of good and take it all for us! So I hereby say to you to attack all reaches of the galaxy now!

Alpha- Aye yai yai! Rangers look at this!

TJ- Look at that! Tons of troops heading for all the planets across the galaxy!

Eric- Evil forces are attacking Triforia and Aquitar!

Alpha- Oh No! Look!

Amanda- There must be a ton of troops heading for earth!

Carlos- What do we do?

Andros- we get ready for battle. It looks like this could be the biggest battle of our lives!


Astronama's force begins to attack the Earth while Divatox, Lord Zedd and Rita, and the Machine Empire attacks the other planets across the universe. Lord Zedd's troops take the Gold Ranger, Trae captive while Divatox and the Machine Empire take the Phantom Ranger and the Blue Centurion captive.

Eric- all our alias are being captured!

Ashley- Were all alone! Now what?

Andros- we attack! LETS ROCKET!

The people of earth are beaten and hassled by Astronama's forces just when their hopes are shattered, the 7 rangers appear to save the day!

Bulk- Look it's the Power Rangers!

Gold- Okay guys lets do it!

Rangers- Right!

The rangers split up and fight the quanatrons but the fight grows bad and the rangers take such bad beatings that the rangers demorph so their powers don't run out. They appear to be hurt but they are actually fine.

Carlos- you guys okay!

Cassie- Yeah I think so.

Just then Astronama's space base comes to earth and she appears.


Astronama- PEOPLE OF EARTH! I am Astronama Queen of Evil. As you can tell we are now in charge. Give yourselves up!

Citizen 1- No way we have the Power Rangers to protect us!

Astronama- HA THE POWER RANGERS! They have failed! They are no longer here to protect you. Either give yourselves up or be destroyed!

Now we see it being nighttime. Most people are gathered together in the center of town by a fire to keep safe and warm.

Citizen 1- we might as well face it. We'll have to surrender.

Bulk- we can't just give up! The Power Rangers are still out there. We'll be okay! We got to have faith in the rangers.

The ranges are shown sitting in the rubble of the city pondering what will happen next. Than on the ship Astronama tells Ecliptor to get the forces ready for the final assault in the morning. Then she looks at a big large tube like orb. In it is the prize that the rangers have been searching for since the beginning of their journey. In it holds Zordon. Who has lava flowing in it to destroy him.

Astronama- Well Zordon looks like your rangers are down for the count and will soon go down.

Zordon- Karone no you must not do this. You are under the spell of Dark Specter you are not evil.

Astronama- No Stop it! Be quiet!

Just then Darkonda steals Astronama's nuclear weapon that she was going to use to destroy earth as his weapon to destroy Dark Specter so he can become evil lord.

Darkonda- Ha locked on target FIRE! BYE BYE DARK SPECTER!

Dark Specter- What the NOOO!

Astronama- what happened!

Ecliptor- Dark Specter has been destroyed!

Darkonda- Ha now I'm the leader of all evil

Dark Specter- Darkonda you traitor!

Darkonda- What NOOO!

Just then Darkonda crashes into Dark Specter and a spectacular explosion occurs. Darkonda and Dark Specter are destroyed.

Astronama- Darkonda and Dark Specter, destroyed?

Ecliptor- What do we do now my queen.

Astronama- Announce it to the monsters and evil lords. I am now the ultimate supreme leader! BEGIN THE DESTRUCTION!!

To Be Continued"

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