Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Rangers Jedi

The Jedi Quest

Part 3

We begin as the Rangers stand inside the Cave where they find a room that is lit up by candles. A lone figure, wearing black pants, a black shirt, a brown robe, and a metallic circular object dangling from his belt, come towards them.

Lucas- Greetings. How may I be of service to you?

Eric- My name is Eric, and these are my friends. We've come from the planet Earth and are in need of help. I am the leader of a fighting team to keep the peace on our planet. We are known as the Power Rangers. Zordon, our father figure and commander, sent us to you. We lost our original powers to the Alliance Of Evil, and our Alien Ranger friends from Aquitar thought you might be of some help to us.

Lucas- Yes I have heard of your team. I've been waiting for you. Welcome Peace Rangers.

Zedd- Its time to trash Earth!

Master Vile- With the Power Rangers gone, by the time they get back to Earth, it will be ours!


Eric- Can you help us? You are our only hope.

Lucas- I'd be honored to help you. The eight of you have passed the test to become the next breed of Jedi Knights. Your dedication and desire to keep the peace, and destroy the dark side has been shown to me through the force. You eight individuals will make great Jedi Knights, but in order to get your new powers, we must begin the ceremony now because the Alliance is preparing a full scale attack on your planet.

Meanwhile back on Earth.....

Alpha- Ayi Yai Yai what's taking them so long!

David- Quests like this one are probably very long to do.

Zack- I hope they're ok, because we're not. Look!

Alpha- Oh no! The Alliance is landing on Earth! This is not good!

Lucas- Everyone kneel down before me. You're journey of to begin your training as Jedi's is about to begin. By the power of light and goodness, I Lucas, summon the power of the force to these young men and women. Teach them the strength of their jedi Zords, and with the combined strength of their ZEO Crystals, so them the ways of the force and teach them what it all means.


Lucas- Your journey is complete. You all now are known as the Jedi Rangers. However, you are in the early stages so you are only Padawan learners. Over time, with more training and guidance, you were learn the ways of the force, and in due time, you all will eventually become Jedi Knights, and maybe even a Jedi Master.

Adam- What is our weapons and Zords?

Lucas- You each have your own weapon called a lightsaber, an elegant weapon perfect for the Jedi...and it is reflected of your Ranger color as well.

Eric- Cool! I've always wanted a gold and black lightsaber!

Lucas- ** Smiles ** You also have Jedi battle zords. Together as one they form the Mega Jedi Zord.

Tommy- These powers are amazing.

Lucas- Eric, now that you have your Gold powers again and resume leadership of the team, I have been informed by Trey of Triforia that you will be able to call Pyramidas with a new Golden Staff that he created for you. Each of you will have a power staff.

Eric- Thank you Master Lucas!

Lucas- Rangers, I'm very honored and proud of all of you. I see great things from each and everyone of you. I will see you later in time for guidance and to help you complete your training. Go now Rangers...but remember, anger and hatred leads to the dark side of the force. Be mindful of your actions and feelings. Do not let them betray you. Use the force for good...not evil.

Eric- We will Master Lucas...and thank you!

Tommy- Lets do it guys!

Eric- Its Morphin Time!

Tommy- Green Jedi Power

Jason- Black Jedi Power

Kim- Pink Jedi Power

Rocky- Blue Jedi Power

Tanya- Yellow Jedi Power

Adam- Red Jedi Power

Billy- White Jedi Power

Eric- Gold Jedi Power

The Jedi Rangers teleport back on Earth and begin where they left off.

Rangers- We need Jedi Zord Power now!

Gold- This zord is amazing!

Black- Morphin!

White- Excellent!

Gold- Mega Jedi Zord transformation now!

Green- Lets Rock & Roll!

Alpha- ZORDON! THEY DID IT! They got their new Jedi powers!

Zack- Oh man those zords rock!

David- Go Rangers!

The Mega Zord is kicking but when Rocky sees Super Cogs on the ground.

Blue- Super Cogs down there!

Gold- I'll take care of them. I got some pay backs to do! IIIYAAA!!!

Gold- Hey tin heads, wanna mess with me again? Only this time I kick your ass this time?

Super Cog- Your mistake Pal!

Gold- I'm not your pal!

Eric fights the Cogs off but some resist him.

Gold- Try my lightsaber on for size.

Eric uses his saber to destroy the Cogs, the others watch in amazement.

Black- Wow Eric is good at that.

Pink- Yeah its like he always knew what to do with it!

Green- Jedi Sword! FIRE!

*Jedi Monster Destroyed* All others retreat.


Mondo- With stronger monsters, we'll get them next time!


Eric- It feels great to be home again!

Billy- Same here!

Tommy- Welcome home guys!

Jason- Man those new Zords were awesome!

Eric- I can't wait until we practice with the force.

Kim- Lets at least celebrate the Peace Rangers and how they did good to get Peace on Earth.

Eric- The Peace Rangers may be done with, but the Jedi Rangers are just heating up!

The End

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