Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Rangers Jedi

The Power Surge

Part 1

As we begin this new episode of Power Rangers: Jedi we see the Rangers taking it easy. Its spring break time and they are enjoying every minute of it. They are also recharging their powers. Katherine is doing very well in her Jedi training. Eric has taught her everything and even showed her how to control the new zords.

David- Its so good to get a break from school!

Billy- Yeah, and we can also recharge a little.

Tommy- Look at Kat, she's doing really good.

Kim- Yeah she's come a long way.

Eric- Alright, good job Kat. Tomorrow we'll see if your ready to be a Jedi by having a final test of courage and strength.

Kat- Cool!

Master Vile- I don't understand it! I've tried everything to beat those Rangers, but they still out smart me!

Count Dregon & Ivan Ooze- Well how about some help?

Master Vile- Count Dregon, Ivan Ooze, what do you request?

Dregon- Destruction to the Rangers and planet Earth.


Ryan- Zordon, its done!

Alpha- Ayi Yai Yai the new Jedi Cannon will be great.

Tanya- It will be twice as powerful as the ZEO cannon.

Just then the alarm goes off.

Ryan- Sensors indicate two major power sources joining the Alliance Of Evil.

Zordon- You must contact the other Rangers at once.

Kim- Your training exercises are looking good Kat.

Kat- Thanks, its really hard, but its fun and I got lots of dedication to it.

Jason- You'll make a great Jedi soon.

Communicators go off.

Eric- We read you Zordon.

Zordon- Teleport to the Power Chamber. This is an emergency.

Tommy- We're on the way.

Eric- Guys........I sense a great disturbance in the force.....something is bad...really really bad.

Rito- The Rangers are aware of what's going on!

Master Vile- Lets send a new monster down to Earth.

Dregon- Yes, send down the Gold Knight. He's very powerful.

Zordon- Ivan Ooze and Count Dregon have joined the Alliance. They, together with Zedd, Mondo, and Master Vile will be very powerful and unstoppable.

Alpha- Oh no! The Alliance has sent down a new monster!

Ryan- His power readings are off the charts!


Eric- We're gonna need more help. Kat, you think you wanna try to get the Silver Powers again?

Kat- Its worth a try!

Eric gives Katherine the ring and she puts it on for the 2nd time. This time she morphs into the Silver Jedi but she starts to fade in and out.

Adam- Its working!

Eric- Let the force flow through your body Kat! Clear your thoughts of anger and hatred.....those lead to the Dark Side of the force......

She does and the powers fill her body to the maximum.

Kat/Silver- Yes! It worked!

Tommy- Lets get this job done then!

Eric- Its Morphin Time!

Tommy- Green Jedi Power

Jason- Black Jedi Power

Kim- Pink Jedi Power

David- Purple Jedi Power

Tanya- Yellow Jedi Power

Adam- Red Jedi Power

Billy- White Jedi Power

Kat- Silver Jedi Power

Eric- Gold Jedi Power

Purple- Lets get these creeps!

The battle goes on but the Super Cogs and Gold Knight monster are too strong.

Zedd- Lets give the Rangers something to cry about!

Master Vile- Make our monster grow!

Rangers- We need Mega Jedi Zord power now!

Gold- Alright Kat, remember what I taught you.

Silver- Right! Silver Sorcerer Power up! This zord is awesome!

Green- He's too strong!

Silver- My systems are overloading!

Gold- Pyramidas!

Gold- Hang on guys! Time for pyramid power!

Gold Knight- Take this Gold weakling!

Gold- Oh no! I've been hit! Abandon the Zords!

Rangers- WHOA!!

Black- Everyone ok?

Pink- Alpha, Get the Zords to safety.

Yellow- Yeah their sitting ducks out here.

The monster decreases in size.

Gold Knight- Ha ha ha! Your Finished Power Rangers. Now what are you gonna do?


Master Vile- Yes we're going to win!

Dregon- Yes, with the Jedi Zords too weak, we can finally destroy the World.

White- Lets hit him with the Power Staffs!

Rangers- Power Staff!

Gold Knight- Huh?

Rangers- Fire!

The monster holds up his shield to block the shot. It hits the shield and goes back to the Rangers Staffs, making them blow up, and overloading their Ranger powers.



The Rangers lay on the ground demorphed and in a bit of shock.

Gold Knight- Ha ha! No more power. You are so finished! What are you gonna do now?

To Be Continued

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