Friday, October 9, 2009

Power Rangers Zeo

The Icebot Incident

With the addition of the new White Zeo Ranger, King Mondo has pulled back on his attacks a bit. But little do the rangers know that King Mondo has something up his nuts and bolts.

Mondo- Now see here my Queen. When I create my latest robot, everybody on Earth will be destroyed.

Machina- What About the Power Rangers?

Mondo- Ha, those meddlesome brats won't be around much longer to see the end! HA HA HA HA!

Billy- Zordon, Alpha I think that the new White Ranger Zeo battle helmate is ready for a test run.

Alpha- Ayi yi yi I can't believe that will be able to have the Ninja and Shogan Zords back.

Zordon- With the return of the old zords, our team will be at its most powerful ever.

Billy- We'll sure need them, with all the attacks that Mondo might have planned, who knows what's next!


Adam- Hey guys, did you hear about the peace conference in Switzerland?

Tommy- No What's up?

Adam- Well Jason, Trini, and Zack decided their time there was at an end, and gave up their roll to 3 new people. Their coming home!

Rocky- Cool! We should throw them a Welcome Home Party

Tommy- It'll be great to see them again! We can tell them what's been going on too!

Mondo- HA! Now is the perfect time to send down my cogs as my monster wreaks havoc on Angel Grove! Sprocket!

Prince- Yes daddy?

Mondo- Send the Cogs to keep the rangers busy.

Prince- Yes my father.

As the rangers walk through the park, they discuss what they will get at the party.

Rocky- So what are we going to buy at the store?

Adam- I don't know, but we got trouble! COGS!

Tommy- Its Morphin Time!

Rocky- ZEO Ranger 3 Blue

Adam- ZEO Ranger 4 Green

Tommy- ZEO Ranger 5 Red

Green- Ok Radiator face, give me your best shot!

Cog- With Pleasure!

After a long battle the rangers defeat the cogs.

Red- Good Job guys!

Alpha- Oh no! Zordon, sensor's indicate a monster attacking the water supply of Angel Grove!

Zordon- Billy, contact the rangers and telleport them here.

Billy- I'm on it.

Red- This is Tommy. We read you!

Billy- Tommy, this is Billy. Will you, Rocky and Adam telleport to the Power Chamber? I'll contact Eric and the others.

Red- We're on the way.

All six rangers telleport to the Power Chamber.

Eric- What's going on Zordon?

Zordon- Rangers, behold the viewing globe. This is the Icebot Monster. King Mondo created this monster to defeat you for good.

Tanya- Its not the first time he's tried that either.

Alpha- This monster is very dangerous!

Kat- Well lets get him!

Zordon- I wish it was that simple. With the readings on this monster, Zeo Mega Zord and Dragon Zord will not be enough. Therefore, the time has come to reveal to you, ZEO 6 battle helmet. It will allow you to call on the power of the Ninja Mega Zord, and the Shogan Mega Zord.

Tommy- Awesome!

Eric- This is really gonna help us out big time!

Billy- Zordon- We still haven't tested it out yet. We don't know if it works!

Adam- We don't have much of a choice.

Zordon- Billy, I trust that you and Alpha made all the right calculations and I feel its ready. Rangers, go now and may the power protect you.

Tommy- Its Morphin Time!

Kat- ZEO Ranger 1 Pink

Tanya- ZEO Ranger 2 Yellow

Rocky- ZEO Ranger 3 Blue

Adam- ZEO Ranger 4 Green

Tommy- ZEO Ranger 5 Red

Eric- ZEO Ranger 6 White

The rangers teleport to the site where the monster is at. Just then their new friend and ally from Triforia, Gold Ranger shows up to help.

White- Hold it right there Icebot! Your not getting away that easily!
Icebot- Why don't you try and stop me?

He fires at the rangers and knocks them down. Gold Ranger takes out his golden staff.

Gold- Its Time For a Gold Rush!

The monster blocks the shot and it goes back at Gold Ranger. Meanwhile the other rangers continue to take damage.

Yellow- I'm starting to freeze.

Red- Me Too, We've got to break free!


Alpha- Zordon, The rangers need help. They'll freeze to death!

Zordon- Billy, the time has come to activate the metallic armor that they have.

Billy- Rangers, this is Billy. If you call on Metallic armor, you should be able to break free of the monsters' grip.

Red- Thanks Billy!

Rangers- Metallic armor, powerup!

Icebot- OUCH! That hurts my eyes. Too bright.

Gold- You ain't seen nothing yet!

Mondo- Time to raise the stakes, make him grow!

Icebot- HA HA! Time to freeze this town and call it Iceworld!

White- You'll have to get through us first!

Rangers- Zeo Mega Zord Power up!

The Six Zords become together to form the ZEO Mega Scorpion Zord.

Red- Time For Dragon Zord!

While Tommy calls for his old friend the Dragon Zord, Eric takes the helm of the Mega Zord.

White- Now its my turn to play with this thing. ZEO 6 Battle helmet activate.. I call on the power of the Ninja Mega Zord!

Red- Lets take him out Eric!

White- Ninjeti Punch!

Green- Power Sword!

Red- All weapons locked! FIRE!

Icebot- NOOOOO!


Monster destroyed

Rangers- Yeah whoo!

White- Guys the Gold Ranger is still battling cogs, lets go help. Maybe we can find out who he is.

Rangers- Right.

The rangers teleport down to the park to find piles of destroyed cogs, but no sign of the Gold Ranger. Once again, the Gold Ranger left without the rangers finding out who he is.

Pink- Think he'll be back?

Blue- I think so.

Red- All we know is that he is sort of an ally.

Yellow- It would be nice to know who he is though.


Tanya- Here they come!

Jason, Trini, and Zack walk into the Juice bar and are surrounded by friends welcoming them back home. Jason sees his best friend Tommy and right away is in a huge bear hug.

Tommy- Its great to see you back!

Jason- Its great to be back home with you guys!

Eric- So how was the conference?

Zack- We got a lot done, but we thought hard, and we decided our time was at an end, and we gave our places to 3 new people who had great ideas for the future.

Trini- So how have you guys been doing?

Eric- Keeping busy, if you know what I mean. *Eric winks at the 3 former rangers*

Jason- Ya we do! *Jason smiles*

The rangers hold up glasses and have a special toast on the welcome back of the 3 friends.



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