Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Rangers Jedi

The Silver Streak

Since we saw our heroes last time, some major changes have taken place on the Ranger team. After a vicious attack by the Alliance of Evil, Rocky the Blue Jedi Ranger was badly injured in a battle. Not only that, but the Blue Jedi powers were damaged beyond repair. Lucas helped the Rangers by giving them new Purple Jedi Ranger powers. With Rocky's back a mess, The Rangers had to find a replacement. They have brought in Tommy's brother David who is getting a power transfusion as we speak. When we join in, the Rangers are working in the Power Chamber. Suddenly computers detected a unidentified streak of energy flying in the air.

Tommy- Billy, do you know what that silver streak was yet?

Billy- No, It landed on Earth somewhere beyond our sensors.

Zordon- What ever it is, it has a major power source.

Eric- We'd better find it fast before the Alliance does.

Master Vile- Goldar, what is the latest on that silver streak?

Goldar- We lost track of it.

Clank- Its last known where a bouts was on Earth.

Master Vile- Whatever it is, we must have it!

Mondo- What do we do in the meantime?

Master Vile- We proceed with the planned schedule.


Eric- Zordon how much longer will David's power transfer go?

Zordon- It depends on how much of the force there is between David's body powe and the Purple powers.

Just then the alarm goes off.

Alpha- Ayi Yai Yai, the Elephano monster is back!

Zordon- Without David, you don't stand much of a chance to stay at full power.

Eric- I can go out and at least slow him down.

Tommy- Be careful!

Eric- Hey, your talking to the leader of the team. I'll be OK.

Tommy- Alright, go kick some butt!

Eric- Its Morphin Time!

Eric- Gold Jedi Power

Elephano- I'm gonna crush you!

Gold- Bring it on!

The two fight each other and when it looks good for Eric, the Alliance makes it tougher.

Master Vile- Send the Super Cogs. Finish the Gold Jedi!

Gold- Oh man! Jason I got trouble I need you guys to help me!


Adam- Alpha we have to hurry!

Kim- We got to help Eric.

Zordon- I'm sorry but without David, Eric is on his own.

Billy- Zordon, The silver power source is back.

Tanya- Where is it?

Billy- Oh my God! Your not gonna believe this!

Elephano- Your finished Gold Jedi! HA HA HA!

Just then a sudden flash of silver appears. Its another Jedi Ranger!

Elephano- What! What's going on?

Silver Jedi- I'm gonna take you out right now!

The Silver Jedi fights and defeats the cogs while Eric watches in amazement. Elephano escapes.

Master Vile- What's this? A new Jedi?

Rita- Daddy, I think we're in trouble!

Gold- Thank you for your help!

Silver- Your quite welcome!

Just then Eric's communicator goes off.

Gold- I read you Zordon.

Zordon- Please teleport to the Power Chamber with our new friend.

Gold- Of course.

The two Jedi's teleport to the Power Chamber together.

Zordon- Welcome Silver Jedi, I am Zordon, and these are the Power Rangers.

Silver- I know, I came to join your team.

Zordon- May I ask that you reveal who you are?


Eric- Ryan?!!

Kim- You know him?

Eric- Know him? He's my best friend from High school.

The two friends exchange hugs and smiles.

Ryan- How you doing man?

Eric- I'm great, but how did you become a Ranger?

Ryan- I was in my back yard in the woods and I found the Silver Jedi ring which gave me the Jedi powers. I also met Master Lucas and he taught me a bit of the power.

Eric- Cool!

Billy- Zordon, David is finally coming to.

Jason- The transfer was a success.

David- *stretches* What's up?

Tommy- David, we'd like to introduce to you Ryan, the Silver Jedi Ranger. He's Eric's friend.

David- Nice to meet you.

Ryan- Same here.

The alarm blasts off again in the Power Chamber.

Alpha- Rangers, Elephano is back! You must call the Zords to stop him!

Eric- Time to test the new powers David, you ready?

David- Ready as I'll ever be!

Eric- Its Morphin Time!

Tommy- Green Jedi Power

Jason- Black Jedi Power

Kim- Pink Jedi Power

David- Purple Jedi Power

Tanya- Yellow Jedi Power

Adam- Red Jedi Power

Billy- White Jedi Power

Eric- Gold Jedi Power

Ryan- Silver Jedi Power

Rangers- We need Mega Jedi Zord power now!

Silver- Silver Sorcerer Power Up!

Silver- Lets Rock & Roll!

Gold- Super ZEO Mega Zord!

Green- Lock all weapons!

Rangers- FIRE!

Silver- Silver Earthquake! FIRE!

Gold- Super ZEO Sabre's! FIRE!

Elephano! NOOOOOOOOOO *Monster Destroyed*


Ryan- It's great to be here.

Eric- Good news! Your enrolled at Angel Grove High. You start tomorrow. Best thing is, your in all my classes!

Ryan- Cool! *thumbs up*

David- Thanks for the chance to be Rocky's replacement guys!

Tommy- Hey, once a Ranger, always a Ranger!

Adam- Or in this case, a Jedi!

Rangers *laughing*

The End

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