Sunday, October 11, 2009

Power Rangers Next Millennium

Disclaimer: The following is rated PG-13 for violence and language

A Storm Warning

Part 2

When we left the rangers, Rito and Golder were leading a pack of Mega Putties through downtown. Eric created new powers for 6 new rangers to make the next breed of Power Rangers. The Storm Rangers were born.

Gold- You'll be sorry you came back!

Black- Lets get these creaps!

Rangers- Right!!!

The rangers fight and destroy most of the Mega Putties. Whatever's left retreats.

Rito- I'm outta here!

Goldar- Me Too.

White- Yeah we did it!

Pink- Its great to have powers back!

Gold- Lets get back to the Command Center guys. we got lots of things to do!


Zedd- I can't believe it! The rangers are back! How is this possible? Zordon is destroyed! How did they re gain their powers?

Phantom Ranger- I'll answer that!

Zedd- Cease Him!!

Phantom Ranger- Relax I'm on your side. I've been a decoy to the rangers for a long while. They don't suspect a thing. Eric is the one who created the powers. At this moment he is working hard on new zords for the team. What you do is destroy him before the project can be completed.

Zedd- Excellent, but if your wrong, I'll strip you of your powers and destroy you!

Meanwhile back in the Command Center.

Eric- By now Lord Zedd knows that I've created the new Storm Powers. With that bit of information, he wants me destroyed before the Zords are finished. So I have a plan to fake him out.

Trini- How?

Eric- We have a new Storm Ranger waiting, but there isn't a usefull power source besides his storm power for it to be charged. So we decided to use my green emerald.

Jason- That's risky. What about your old Purple Ranger power coin instead? Using your green emerald....couldn't you be destroyed!

Eric- Over the years, I've lost track of where my coin is. I know I have it in my's just a matter of finding it in the right storage box...and even that wouldn't help much. But with the emerald, well that's part of my plan to fake out Zedd.

Eric- During a fight with the Mega Putties, Alpha will strart draining the emerald into the new storm rangers' power readings, while doing so I'll start to get weak, making Zedd think I'm losing power, and then by the time Goldar or Rito throws the fatal blow at me, Alpha will have completed the transfer of power and will teleport my body out of the Gold Astro Ranger suit before its destroyed.

Tommy- Sounds tough, can it be done?

Eric- Yes, I've forseen it through the force. It is the only way. Alpha 5, I want you to get ready for the transfer. I'm gonna walk through the park. Tommy, after I morph can you come and help me fight so the fight looks realistic to Zedd?

Tommy- Yeah I will.

Alpha 5- Ayi yi yi good luck Eric!

Amanda- Be carefull!

Eric hugs and gives his wife a kiss

Eric- I will

And just like that Eric teleports out of the Command Center.

Kimberly- I hope this works!

Rocky- Yeah So do I!


Rita- Zedd! The Gold Ranger is in the park all alone!

Zedd- Destroy him!

Eric- Ok here we go! YAAAA!!

Eric begins to fight the monsters. For a while he holds his own, but more re-enforcements arrive and the fight starts to turn bad.

Eric- Lets Rockett!

Gold Astro Ranger Power!

Gold- Tommy I could use some help here!

Dimitria- Tommy Its time for you to go and help Eric.

Tommy- Its Morphin Time!

Black Storm Ranger Power!

Dimitria- Alpha 5, start the power transfer now.

Alpha 5- Right away Dimitria!

Tommy and Eric continue to battle the Mega Putties and Goldar and Rito but Eric begins to lose power.

Gold- Ahhh! What's going on?

Goldar- What's the matter? Can't keep your powers? You are such a pussy!

Black- Leave him alone!

Rito- Keep your God Damn mouth shut!!!

Rito fires and Tommy and knocks him down.

Goldar- And now Gold Ranger, Its time for you to say goodbye!

Goldar starts to hit Eric with his sword.

Alpha 5- Transfer complete!

Adam- Teleport him out now!


Gold Astro Ranger destroyed.

Goldar- Ha ha ha! No More Gold Jedi! The world is ours! Ha ha!

Tommy sees a break and teleports back to the Command Center.


Zedd- Ha Ha The Gold Astro Ranger is no more!

Rita- Now without him or New Zords, we can rid the world for good!

Meanwhile back at the Command Center, the rangers are excited that everything went according to what Eric foreseen.

Amanda- Are you ok?

Eric- Yeah just a little weak, but that's expected due to the power drain.

Adam- Now what do we do?

Eric- Billy, Alpha 5 and I will finish the Zords. Then once that's all done, I will go down to the Power Chamber and get in the re animation chamber and recharge with my new Storm Ranger Powers.

Kimberly- We Better do it soon, who knows what Zedd and Rita are up too!

To be continued.....

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