Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Rangers Turbo

Disclaimer: I do not own anything from Power Rangers, or Star Wars. This is a fan fiction that gains no monetary funds. Thank you

Shift Into Turbo

Part 1

The Rangers have had some quiet time since they lost their Jedi powers. The Alien Rangers have come to help out with small battles that the Alliance Of Evil have started, but for weeks now, its been dead. The Alliance has strangely disappeared.

Tommy- Ernie, your outdoor beach place is awesome!

Ernie- Hey thanks Tommy.

Eric- Hey man! How's David doing?

Tommy- He's doing fine. The blood clot is finally gone. But he's not the one I'm surprised at. I can't believe Kimberly left again.

Eric- Yeah well we were powerless and the Alliance was gone so she decided to go for a metal again. At least this time she said goodbye to you in person, and she said she'll always love you as a friend.

Tommy- Yeah your right.

Kat- Hey Eric. What happened to your finger?

Eric- Oh, I cracked it during baseball practice. It'll be ok in a few weeks.

Tanya- Has Zordon found out where the Alliance went to yet?

Eric- Nope, and I can't feel any disturbances in the force, which is a good thing.

Justin- All I can say is that I'm glad we don't have to fight them any more.

Meanwhile, in the ocean is a submarine. Its cargo...The new Queen Of Evil, Divatox. She's teamed up with her henchmen Rhigog, Porto, and her nephew Algar. They spell doom for the Rangers.

Divatox- Now that the Alliance is no more, and I've forced them to leave the area, the world we'll be mine for the taking.

Algar- Not so fast. Earth has the Power Rangers.

Divatox- Ha! I don't think so. They are without powers. They will fall in time!


Alpha- Zordon, the Coordinates are set, shall I contact the Rangers?

Zordon- Yes Alpha, they must know this news.

*communicators go off*

Eric- We read you Zordon.

Zordon- Teleport to the Power Chamber.

Eric- Ok we're on the way.

*teleport in*

Justin- What's going on Zordon?

Zordon- Alpha and I have some good news. We found a planet in the far reaches of the galaxy that has a new power source for you.

Kat- Cool!

Alpha- The powers are kept watched by Larago, who lives in a silent volcano.

Zordon- There is a problem though Rangers. There is only enough power for 5 rangers. 1 of you can't go.

Justin- I'll stay. I'm still too young.

Eric- No. I'll stay. You go Justin. Your just beginning your Ranger career. We need you. I'll probably get new powers later on.

Justin- Ok. Thanks Eric.

Zordon- Alpha teleport the Rangers to the Volcano of Larago.

Divatox- So Zordon is guiding his powerless Rangers to the Volcano of Larago.

Porto- Shall I send the Piranatrons to stop them?

Divatox- At once!


Adam- Wait guys!

Tanya- Look out!

Kat- What are these things?

Alpha- Ayi Yai Yai those are Piranatrons. That can only mean Divatox is back.

Zordon- Eric, there is a squad of Piranatrons on Earth. Take care of them, but be careful. Remember, you only have Triforina Gold Ranger powers left, and you're at at crucial stage.

Eric- Its Morphin Time!

Eric- Gold Ranger Power

Gold- Lets rock!

Justin- Hey guys! There's the entrance.

Tommy- Lets go!

Meanwhile the fight on Earth grows worse for Eric.

Gold- Oh man! Aah! These creeps won't give up!

Zordon- Alpha, Eric is beginning to lose power. Contact Trey. Its time to give the Gold Ranger powers back to him in full. Eric's body can't handle it again.

Adam- Wow! This place is amazing.

Kat- Look! Is that him?


Larago- Welcome. I Larago.

Tommy- Hello. We are the Power Rangers. Zordon told us that you could help us replace our lost Jedi Ranger Powers.

Larago- Yes, but hurry. New enemy...piranatrons attacking Earth. Gold Ranger losing powers. Trey to have power now.

Kat- So that's what those creeps are outside. Piranatrons.

Adam- I hope Eric can hold up!

Tommy- We'd better hurry than.

To Be Continued

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