Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Rangers Turbo

Snake Bitten

Part 1

As we begin, we see our hero's having some fun and relaxation on the beach. While they do that. Eric is at the Power Chamber with Alpha 6, and the Blue Senterion tuning up the Viper and putting some special parts on it.

Eric- Man, when we get done with modifying this thing, its gonna kick some dust into the air.

Alpha- Yo, I know what ya mean! With the addition of the turbo tires, your car will go twice as fast.

Blue- Yes, it will go fast, but you still have to remember to obey the speed limits, or get a ticket.

Eric- *laughs* I know! But we need the speed to catch those monsters, or run away from them.

Divatox- Yes! I have a brilliant idea that can't fail.

Algar- So what are you gonna do this time Auntie Dee?

Divatox- I'm gonna place a device in that Gold Turbo Ranger brats car, and when he turns the car into a battle machine, it will turn against the Rangers and attack his own friends!

Rhigog- It sounds brilliant. Should I send the Piranatrons to Earth?

Divatox- yes and send my new monster. The Scorpion.

Rhigog- At once my queen!


Justin- This sure is a great day for a swim!

Tanya- Yeah it sure is!

Kat- Where's Eric? He'd enjoy this a lot.

Tommy- He's working on the Viper putting some special features on it.

Justin- Speaking of which, here he comes!

Adam- Hey man, how's it running?

Eric- She's purring like a kitty!

Just then the Piranatrons appear.

Kat- Trouble!

Tommy- Lets do it guys!

Dimitria- Alpha- Do I sense something wrong?

Alpha- Yeah, we got a monster at the lake, and some Piranatrons and Rhygog at the park.

Dimitria- Contact the Rangers.

Tommy- This is Tommy.

Alpha- Yo, we got double trouble. You got a monster heading your way, and also some Piranatrons and Rhigog at the park.

Eric- I'll head to the park. I can make good time!

Adam- Good luck Eric!

Tommy- Shift Into Turbo!

Rangers- Turbo Ranger Power Now!

Eric- Its time to make turbo tracks.

Scorpion- Hello Rangers, take this! *fires*

Rangers- WHOA!


Divatox- Yes its working!

Algar- Should we fire the torpedoes?

Divatox- Yes, do it now!

Red- Lets do it guys!

Rangers- We need Turbo Mega Zord power now!

After a long battle with the Scorpion monster, the Zord begins to lose power.

Yellow- This isn't looking good.

Green- We're gonna need Eric's help!

Meanwhile Eric continues to fight the Piranatrons and they retreat with Rhigog.

Eric- Yeah go ahead and runaway like a bunch of chickens!


Eric- Go ahead.

Blue- Eric, we need your help!

Eric- I'm on it! Shift Into Turbo!

Eric- Gold Viper Turbo Power

Gold- Time for Gold Viper Mega Zord!

Divatox- Activate the device!

Gold- Son of a...what's going on?

The zord begins to hit and damage the Turbo Mega Zord.

Gold- I've lost all controls! I can't stop it!

Dimitria- Alpha what is the current situation?

Alpha- Yo not good. Eric's zord is going nuts.

Dimitria- Bring Eric here.

Eric is teleported back to the Power Chamber.

Eric- What's going on? One minute the Viper is good, the next its damaging the Mega Zord.

Alpha- Divatox planted a device in your zord to destroy the other one.

Eric- How do we stop it?

Dimitria- The only way to stop something is to defeat something.

Eric goes over to the control panel and hits the Communicator.

Eric- Tommy, this is Eric. I give you permission, and a direct order by Dimitria to destroy the Gold Viper Zord.

Rangers- Turbo Spin!

*Zord Destroyed*


Divatox- Yes! Part one of my plan is done.

Porto- What comes next?

Divatox- A brilliant plan that involves their fearless leader. Look out Tommy boy! HA HA HA!

Adam- What happens now?

Dimitria- With the destruction of the Viper, Eric must reflect in himself and find a replacement.

Eric- Do you mean I use the force?

Dimitria- Yes. Use it and you'll find your new source of Zord power.

To Be Continued

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