Friday, October 9, 2009

Mighty Morphin Power Rangers

A Call For Help

Part 1

Its been a busy time since the arrival of the White Ranger and the loss of the Orange Ranger. After Eric finally lost the last traces of his Orange Ranger powers, Lord Zedd has stopped at nothing from making the Rangers lives a living hell. As we begin we see the Rangers taking some time off from all the attacks resting up and working out at the Youth Center.

Trini- *stretching* Oh man this is so great. It feels good not to be so busy as usual, if you know what I mean.

Kim- Yeah. We've sure been busy.

Trini- Yeah look at Tommy. He looks like he's the most worn out one of all of us.

Kim- Well at least he's ok now. Imagine what would happen if he had still been using his green powers.

Zedd- Ha ha! This is a great time for us. With the Rangers so exhausted. My new plan will make them tired and powerless.

Goldar- What is your plan oh brilliant master?

Zedd- When you see it, you'll be amazed!


Zordon- Alpha. What is the current situation on Earth and through the galaxy?

Alpha- Everything is secure and safe Zordon.

Zordon- Good. The time has come for our next mission. Prepare to teleport to the hidden chamber.

*Zordon leaves*

Alpha- I"m on the way Zordon. Ayi Yai Yai! I can't believe what we are gonna do. This will be great!

Alpha walks into a bright light and disappears. The Command Center then goes dark, much like the first time when Zordon and Alpha left to create Tommy's White Ranger powers.

Zedd- I detect a disturbance in the morphing grid once again between me and Zordon.

Goldar- What should we do master?

Zedd- Its time to attack. Take the putties to the park and begin your reign of terror while I charge up our next plan.

Goldar- What is it?

Zedd- I made you your own Thunder Zord to battle the Rangers and to disable their Thunder Mega Zord. Its the Phoenix, the most powerfull Zord ever created by evil beings!

Goldar- Ahhh Ha ha ha! Perfect!

The Rangers are now walking to a place in the park to have lunch.

Billy- Hey guys I heard from Eric.

Kim- How's his time off in Michigan?

Billy- He's doing much better. He says he'll be home soon.

Trini- That's great to know!

Just then Goldar and the Putties arrive.

Zack- Trouble!

Jason- What do you want?

Goldar- Surrender to us!

Kim- Never!

Goldar- Get them!

Tommy- Its Morphin Time!

Tommy- Tiger Zord
Zack- Mastodon
Kim- Pterodactyl
Billy- Triceratops
Trini- Sabretooth Tiger
Jason- Tyrannasauras

Rangers- Lets rock and roll!

The 5 Rangers battle the putties while Tommy takes on Goldar.

Goldar- Give it up White Ranger, you'll never defeat me.

White- Never say never buckethead! SIYAAAA!

After awhile the battle ends with the Rangers winning it.

Zedd- Goldar! Call your Zord now!

Goldar- Prepare to be destroyed Power punks! Phoenix Zord power now!

Red- Oh no!

Pink- Not good!

Blue- Another Zord..except its evil!

White- Lets finish this guys!

Rangers- We need Thunder Zord Power now!

Black- Mastodon Lion Thunder Zord Power

Pink- Pterodactyl Firebird Thunder Zord Power
Blue- Triceratops Unicorn Thunder zord Power
Yellow- Sabretooth Tiger Griffin Thunder Zord Power
Red- Tyrannasauras Red Dragon Thunder Zord Power
White- Tiger Zord power up! Tiger Zord convert to Warrior mode now!

Rangers- Thunder Mega Zord battle ready!

Goldar- Phoenix Sabers! FIRE!

Rangers- WHOOO!

White- White Tiger Thunder bolt armed and Ready! FIRE!

Goldar blocks the shot and the Zords get nailed by the blocked shot.

Rangers- WOAH!

Black- Zordon we need help!

Red- Zordon are you there?

Yellow- This is not good! Where's Zordon?


Zedd- Perfect the Rangers are down for the count now. Goldar, retreat and recharge.

Goldar- Yes master!

Zedd- We want to stay fresh. The Rangers will not be recharged so easily.

Goldar leaves the Rangers with their damaged zords.

Pink- This is horrible!

Red- Tell me about it. Where is Zordon?

White- I don't know. Maybe we'd best get to the Command Center.

In The Command Center.

Tommy- Its all shut down!

Kim- What's going on this time?

Trini- Not again!

Jason- Last time this happened Tommy was getting his new powers.

Kim- You think???

Billy- It might be. Why don't you guys go back to my house and we'll meet there in awhile. I'll go to the
hidden chamber to see if Zordon and Alpha are there.

Tommy- Ok we'll see ya later man.

The 5 teens leave the Command Center leaving Billy by himself. Billy goes to the control panels, punches in the code to activate the hidden door of light, and goes in it and is swept once again down a white bright shaft...he lands below in a dark area that is slightly lite up by a glass window.

Alpha- Everything is ready Zordon. All calculations are in the computer for the Morphing Grid. Shall we begin infussing the power into him?

Zordon- Yes Alpha but do it slowly. We can't afford overload.

Billy- Woah! Another Ranger!


Zedd- This will be a day long remembered. The appearance of our new Phoenix zord, the fall of Zordon and the Rangers, and the beginning of my reign as ruler of Earth.

Goldar- Yes you are a great one!

Zedd- Ha ha! Its time! Resume the destruction.

Zordon- Alpha we are doing good. Continue on with the infussion process. I'll keep watch on the life lines as I prepare to activate his zords.

Alpha- With pleasure Zordon.

Billy- I gotta get back to the others they must know about this.

To Be Continued

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