Saturday, October 10, 2009

Power Rangers Jedi

The Purple Dino

As the school year goes on, the Rangers continue to thrive in their studies. Eric however, due to his recent ordeal against Master Vile, being badly injured and nearly killed, has taken time off to heal himself up. He has been using the force to clear out his mind, and to heal his body as soon as he can. He's visited Master Lucas numerous times, and he is doing well but still needs a lot of work.

If he doesn't heal the right way or in time, his body could reject the Gold Jedi powers for a short period. He can't lose his powers forever, but he needs to remain healthy for the powers to work. Meanwhile Master Vile is still furious over the Jedi's escape.

Master Vile- I still can't believe you idiots let him get away.

Zedd- Yes he may have escaped, but he is badly injured. Because of it he can't use his Jedi powers!

Clank- That is correct, but he is currently now recharging his body through the force to heal himself in order to use the powers again.

Master Vile- With the Gold Jedi out of commission, The Jedi Rangers will be doomed!


Ryan- Zordon, What's the latest news on Eric?

Zordon- In order for Eric to use his powers again, Eric must use the force to meditate and heal his body.

Billy- How long will that take?

Zordon- We are uncertain. It could be awhile.

Meanwhile in the Park Eric is working on his healing process when Bulk and Skull see him in the park.

Skull Hey Bulky! Look! What is Eric up to?

Bulk- He's meditating.

Skull- Cool! Hey lets go get a smoothie.

Goldar- The Gold Jedi is in the park!

Master Vile- GET HIM! Make him hurt!

Eric comes out of his trance just in time to see trouble arising.

Eric- Zordon, I'm in trouble. I don't think I can morph yet. Can you send some back up?

Ryan- Hang on Eric, helps on the way!

Billy- Lets do it!

Ryan- Its Morphin Time

Billy- White Jedi Power

Ryan- Silver Jedi Power

Silver- We're here buddy! Think you can morph?

Eric- I don't know, I'll give it a try! ITS MORPHIN TIME!

Eric tries to morph but once his arms come together to call the power it dies.

Eric- Oh no! I can't do it! I think I'm in big trouble!


Clank- Good news! The Gold Jedi tried to morph but was unsuccessful!

Master Vile- Good! Time to send down Barney, The evil Purple Dinosaur.

Barney- Hey Rangers, I'm gonna destroy you!

White- Zordon, we need help. Alpha teleport Eric to the Power Chamber so he can continue to heal up.

Zordon- Alpha contact the others and get Eric here right away.

Just as Eric leaves Ryan and Billy, the other Rangers show up.

Green- Ok lets rock!

Zordon- Eric you must continue your healing process.

Eric- Ok I will.

Master Vile- Monster! I order you to grow!

Rangers- We need Jedi Zord power now!

Silver- Silver Sorcerer Power up!

Green- Mega Jedi Zord transformation now!

The monster fights the zords and takes a lot of energy out of them!

Alpha- Oh no! Zordon, the Rangers are in trouble and need help!

Eric comes out of his trance and sees the Rangers in the Viewing Globe.

Eric- Oh no! I must go and help them!

Zordon- Eric are you sure you want to do this. You are still too weak.

Eric- I have to Zordon.

Zordon- Very well, but you must keep your anger down. Remember that anger leads to the dark side.

Eric- Its Morphin Time!

Eric- Gold Jedi Power

Gold- Alright it worked! I'm ok!

Zordon- Then go and save your friends.

Gold- Right! BACK TO ACTION!

Gold- Gold Jedi Zord!

Sprocket- Daddy, I think we're in a wee bit of trouble!

Mondo- No this can't be happening!

Silver- YES! Its good to see you back in action again man!

Gold- We need more power! Super ZEO Mega Zord! Power Up!

Gold- Tommy its time for a new configuration. I call on the power of the Super ZEO Mega Jedi Zord!

The two Mega Zords come together to form a new more powerful Zord.

Barney- You don't scare me!

Gold- Super ZEO Jedi Sabers!

Rangers- FIRE!

*Monster Destroyed*


Kim- Its good to see you back Eric.

Eric- Thanks!

Adam- Zordon says that you should be ok now.

Eric- Yeah, but I still should continue my healing process until I'm at full power. So until then, Ryan, your still the leader of the team.

Ryan- Ok man what ever you want.

David- So can you still lose your powers temporarily?

Eric- Yes but only if I get worse. I'm doing better so I should be ok.

Tanya- Thank God for the force

Tommy- To the force

Rangers- To the force!

The End

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