Friday, October 9, 2009

Power Rangers Jedi

Disclaimer- I do not own anything that deals with Power Rangers, or Stars Wars. This is just a fan fiction written to have some fun. Thank you

The Jedi Quest

Part 2

Last time on Power Rangers: Peace Mission we saw the return of Master Vile as he took command of the Alliance Of Evil. Eric came back after a 2 week vacation from resting up after he lost his ranger powers. The Rangers met up with a new monster called the Jedi Monster, who nearly destroyed the Zords, but in the battle, did manage to destroy their Peace Ranger powers. As we begin we see Eric in the Power Chamber telling the Rangers that its just about over.

David- So your telling us, that there is no more we can do?

Jason- This can't be happening!

Eric- I'm sorry guys. I'm just as mad as you are but there is nothing we can do.....

Just then the Power Chamber shakes violently and flashes with bright lights, finally after it stops a familiar figure stands in front of the Rangers.

Tanya- Billy!

Master Vile- This is our greatest fight ever! Now that the Peace Rangers are resting in peace, we can take control of the world!

Rita- What are we gonna do in the meantime daddy?

Master Vile- We will continue with our celebration.

Mondo- What if the Gold Ranger and Alien Rangers come to aid the Rangers?

Master Vile- Then they'll be destroyed too! HA HA HA HA!


Billy- I heard you guys were in trouble.

Jason- Its over Billy. We've been defeated!

Billy- No we haven't. The Alien Rangers told me of a great power called the Force. Its used by Jedi's!

Kim- I thought that was just of movie thing?

Billy- That's what I thought, but no it actually exists.

Zordon- The Jedi's are the most powerful warriors in the galaxy.

Billy- Exactly! Legend has it, that the head Jedi Master, Lucas, is waiting to give eight great warriors the Jedi Powers. I think we should give it a try.

Tommy- To stop the Alliance? Lets do it!

Rito- What are you gonna do after this is all over Goldar?

Goldar- I'm going to destroy Los Angelas! What about you?

Rito- I always wanted to sink Japan, like that guy Godzilla! Ha ha!

Rita- Ok you idiots, get the Super Cogs charged up!

Rito- Right away sis!

Eric- These maps show where Lucas is located.

Alpha- Looks like he's in a hidden cave in a deep forest on the planet of Endor.

Billy- Guys, we have a problem. One of you must decide who is going to give up his position as a Jedi Ranger. There is only room for 8 rangers.

Zack- I'll step down. I have to jet back to France any ways and get the last of my things and finish some final stuff at the Peace Conference.

David- Billy, I'm stepping down too.

Tommy- David, what are you talking about?

David- I've been so stressed out lately and there is so much I miss doing. Its not like I don't want to be a ranger, but I just need some time off. So I'm giving my Jedi Ranger powers to you Billy. Good luck.

Billy- Thanks David.

Zack- Same here with me Eric. I know you'll lead the team better than ever.

Eric smiles and gives Zack a high five and a quick bear hug.

Zordon- Alpha teleport the Rangers to Endor.

Alpha- Right away...Good luck Rangers, and come home safely!

Just like that, the Rangers are teleported on Endor in a deep forest.

Billy- Ok we need to go 1,000 meters that way.

Zedd- Curses! NO THIS CAN'T BE! The Power Rangers are on Endor!

Mondo- They must be going after the Jedi powers to recharge their Ranger Powers!

Master Vile- Send the Super Cogs to keep them busy!

Jason- We got company!

Kim- Not now!

Tanya- What do we do now?


Jason- Lets take them down!

The Rangers battle the Cogs as best as they can, but its getting rather hopeless, but just then Rocky cries out to them.

Rocky- Hey guys this way!

Adam- You found it!

Tommy, Eric, Jason, and Adam find a big rock that is big enough to block the door way to the cave so the cogs don't get it. They move it with little trouble. After a long walk they see a room that has a yellowish light glowing.

Kim- Look at that!

Adam- Is that him?

Master Vile- The time is now for the destruction of the world. BEGIN THE DESTRUCTION! NOW!

To Be Continued

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